For over 1,000 years, Atlantic Canada has been a landing place for successive waves of explorers and settlers. From Vikings to Acadians and Loyalists, each group has left a distinct footprint that is preserved in our colourful traditions.
Come to shore with the Vikings at the 1,000-year-old colony of L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, a UNESCO world historic site. Or share the lives the first European settlers in North America experienced at Annapolis Royal in 1605. Relive the founding of our nation in 1867 at historic Province House in Charlottetown, or weep for Longfellow's Evangeline at her shrine at Grand Pre. For military drama, visit the historic forts of Louisbourg, Signal Hill, Beausejour and Amherst.
You don't even have to look. Our history will find you.